On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 2:17 PM, amar akshat <amar.aks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The issue was not regarding the Plugin etc, The issue was simply, if DOC is
> standard why cant ODT be one. If OpenOffice by default has a support for
> DOC, then why cant Microsoft incorporate a support for ODT. Or may be
> Microsoft guys arent capable enough to enable it !!!
> Thnx

Firstly Doc is used by many more normal 'office' users. So OpenOffice
does have to support it to ease the migration. As for Microsoft
supporting ODT, their primary aim is making money. Supporting a
competing products' standard would not make much business sense in the
short run. Benefits to the customer is not their prime concern, I

Cheers and Peace!

Jeba Singh Emmanuel
Those who would joyously march in rank and file have already earned my
contempt, for they were given a large brain by accident when a spinal
chord would have sufficed.
--Albert Einstein

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