On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Linux Lingam <linuxlin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> dear all,
> >>
> >
> > Minutes of the meeting (MOM) :
> thanks honey for the MOM,
> my POP is that the overall feelgood factor for freed.in is high,
> the team is refreshed and motivated, and everybody seems to have
> a better sense of what works, what would not work, and how to delegate
> tasks, and to coordinate the event.

starting with a clean slate  was a  good start . Rajesh tried to break the
ice but , i think still he was trying to find meaning "what the heck is this
community " which folks around talk about ;-)

> Okay, so POP = my Personal Opinion and Perspective.
> meanwhile, kishore is happy to see others willing to take on the main
> tasks,
> and is glad to offer his experience and full support where needed to
> help the team
> drive the event.

Good for the event hopefully it will bring new zeal.
> (a)Possible ideas for the freed.in

> [snip]
> we also discussed content-contributors,
> such as wiki people, creative content authors, et al.
> [snip]
> >
> > (c)Possible Targets:
> [snip]
> the meeting ended with the question should we also have a track
> for sysadmins, networkAdmins, cloud-computing, etc.
> one suggestion was to have the theme but have the actual track and sessions
> for this for a day.

i think in some way the event speaks of the charater the people who are
going  run the show , like to me as of now looks more of Bloggers meet /
Drupal camp but again it is too early to take a call let it take shape ,
lets now worry about what's its gonna be.

@Gaurav proposed an idea of making it a meeting point of communities to
meet, i would say its a noble goal but needs some reflections on constrains
and how to  manage them.

Overall i would start without any expectations and not to try hold on to
some unrealistic goals so let it go as you get inputs you will have a great

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