Add your address at

SchoolOS ( is Indian Linux Distribution. It is based on
Ubuntu 9.10. Now we are offering Free ISO image of SchoolOS.

But We are offering this Free of Cost Offer to only those who want to become
SchoolOS Distributor.

After receiving SchoolOS ISO image, we will put your contact address on our
website. You will become a SchoolOS Distributor. Those who want SchoolOS
will visit your place to collect ISO image.

Also, you need not to burn DVD for anybody. If somebody ask for burning DVD,
You should or You may charge for DVD burning service (INR 100 to 200)

This will be valid upto 10 Aug 2010. Any request for free DVD after 10 Aug
2010 will not be entertained.

Please note that we will send ISO image in DVD. If you want to install
SchoolOS then you need to burn iso on a DVD or install iso on USB.


Team SchoolOS

PS: If you want to get SchoolOS DVD, without becoming SchoolOS Distributor,
you need to pay for DVD service. Please contact *feedback AT*for purchasing SchoolOS media. I have already gave a
blogpost on
We are looking for SchoolOS Linux DVD Distributor & Support
I didn't get any response out of it.

│    Narendra Sisodiya
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