
We had a lovely crowd gathered at JNU campus and this time our
localhost "Andrew Sir" welcomed us with a nice conference hall and
some samosas to add in the flavour.

We were 8 people in total and at the end whole session took a BOF form
, we started with a session from Dhiraj Gaur on Open source maturity
model. And it threw up some very discussion and insights on support
model offered by different vendors on open source softwares. It was
total fun and informative both at the same time to see the business
and social opportunities in support. Dhiraj promised to repost this
OSMM presentation on ILUGD mailing list for more reviews and insights.

We finished off the meet with a brief discussion on and some
projects for students from engineering college. After which the
flagship eating ceremony happened at our JNU canteen. It was a a fun
meetup with some light weight discussions thrown by.

Look forward to meet everyone in next meetup.


Gaurav Mishra

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