On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 08:22:07 +0530 "Raj Mathur (राज  माथुर)"
<r...@linux-delhi.org> wrote

> Hi,
> I have some text which contains a few Unicode characters.  I'm currently
> using enscript(1) to convert the text to PS and then to PDF; however
> enscript isn't handling the Unicode characters.  Apart from that it's
> doing a beautiful job of the conversion, including word wrapping.
> Any other commonly-available command-line utility for converting text
> with long lines to PS which would handle Unicode?  Alternatively, any
> way to convert Unicode text directly to PDF on the command line?

Probably the best way to do this is to use uniprint from the yudit
* Install the yudit package.
* Get Postscript from uniprint, e.g.,
    uniprint -in myfile.txt -out myfile.ps -font /path/some_unicode.ttf
  where some_unicode.ttf is a TTF/OTF font file that has coverage for
  the Unicode script in question. For example, for Hindi, install a
  Devanagari font file, e.g., Lohit Hindi from the ttf-indic-fonts-core
  package on Debian, and run uniprint as
    uniprint -in myfile.txt -out myfile.ps -font

> Note: I know how to use OOo and friends, but I need something that can
> be put into a Makefile, not an interactive solution.

OOo is over-kill for this, but if one really wanted to, one could run it
in headless mode, and call it from the command-line. This might be useful
if one needs to convert formatted Unicode text.


P.S. Please see http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Unicode-HOWTO-5.html for more

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