On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Amit Sharma <amit_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Couple of questions:
> 1. SWAP partition must always be 2 x RAM? My machien has 48 GB RAM. I have
> to create 96GB SWAP partition? Isn't 4 GB or 8 GB good enough?

2xRAM is not a hard rule, you can have any amount of swap space. In your
case, since you have a large amount of RAM you'll hardly need the swap space
so ~10G should be good enough. However, if you're working with several large
files (think enterprise mysql servers) at the same time, you might gain from
a larger swap. I'll suggest using LVM so you can resize partitions and start
out with something like 6-8G. If you see swap usage above 80%, increase the
size of swap. Also, if you have multiple disks it's better if you have
multiple swap partitions spread over all the disks.

> 2. tempfs consumes half of RAM i.e. 24GB in my case as I have 48 GB of
> physical RAM installed. Can I reduce it to say 8GB? Can it be done? How? Is
> it recommended to reduce tempfs?

Tmpfs size is by default half the size of RAM, but this isn't the used
memory. 24G is the largest size of a single file in tmpfs which itself can
grow or shrink on demand. If you aren't working with files of size +8G,
there is no use of having this large a tmpfs. But, if you have a smaller
tmpfs, it's better to keep a larger swap space, as files are swapped from
tmpfs to disk, which is very slow. To resize, you can edit  /etc/fstab and
include "size=8G" in the options column. Or, like this:

mount -o remount,size=8G /tmp

Since you have large enough RAM, I'd recommend a large (12G) tmpfs and a
smaller swap (8G), but again this depends on what you're using the machine

> regards,
> Amit Sharma
> Thanks and Regards,
> Amit Sharma
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