On Friday 27 May 2011, krish wrote:
> > Mail sent to r...@foo.com reflects immediately in the user's
> > webmail, Outlook, couple of other mail clients, but NOT his BB.
> >  It may take anything from 15 seconds (acceptable) up to an hour
> > (definitely not acceptable) to reach his BB.
> Sent from any domain? Even from foo.com, his own email - self test?
> If self test works immediately, then you should check sending email
> from some other domain where u have mailserver access and check logs
> for delay.
> I would also consider if any of the sending domain is greylisted.

Like I said, the mail reaches the server and is visible in all clients 
EXCEPT the BB immediately.  If it were a generic e-mail issue it would 
affect all clients, right?


-- Raj
Raj Mathur                r...@kandalaya.org      http://kandalaya.org/
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