On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:30 AM, Ravi Kumar <ra2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not quite a way to handle this problem. If the admin can spend some time
> configuring blacklists, it will save a lot of members from getting such
> mails. Clearly, the mail is sent from mem...@linkedin.com, and you can just
> add it to blacklist.  Rather than adding user and humiliating it. These
> sites, socials networks has so many places where a person fall in their trap
> out of curiosity. Then he learns. And what are you doing to them? Calling
> them MORON, and listing them in a page, like putting in box of shame. I also
> didn't like your idea of listing their email in a page, as they did some
> sort of mistakes. You are now hitting their privacy by listing their EMAIL
> without their permission in a open page, where spammers can collect these
> emails.

You are right: Name-calling was uncalled for, and I apologise to Aman for

However, in my opinion, it is completely fair to put such abusers of mailing
lists on a hall of shame. People should be responsible for their own actions:
In this case lazily exposing all one's addresses to spammers like LinkedIn.
Raj has already made the case for this eloquently, so I will not add to that.

Just a note: The email addresses are obfuscated from automated harvesters
by adding a NOSPAM tag, though the original poster had no qualms about
enabling spam on this list. Also, as noted, people can go edit the Wiki page.


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