On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Anupam Jain <ajn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I originally posted this question on
> stackoverflow<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6624622/what-happens-in-bash-when-you-do-ctrl-c-hint-its-not-simply-sending-a-sigint>,
> but did not receive a satisfactory response. Any ideas?
> --------------8<-----------------
> A little background first - When I do apt-get install downloads from my
> company internet it provides a high burst of speed (400-500KB/s) for the
> first 10 seconds or so before dropping down to a tenth of that (40-50KB/s),
> and then after a few minutes to a truly miserable (4-5KB/s). This makes me
> think that the sysadmin has implemented some sort of a network throttling
> scheme.
> Now I know that the network is not simply erratic, because if I start
> an apt-get
> install foo, Ctrl-C it after 10 seconds and immediately run apt-get install
> foo again (by doing an up arrow and enter to use bash history), and then *keep
> repeating this process for a few minutes till all packages are downloaded*,
> I can download even large packages very fast. In particular, even after
> aborting a download with Ctrl-C, apt-get seems to be able to resume the
> download in the next invocation.
> Of course, staring at the screen doing Ctrl-C Up Enter every 10 seconds gets
> really boring real fast, so I wrote a shell script -
> #!/bin/sh
> for i in `seq 1 100` ; do
>    sudo apt-get install foo -y &
>    sleep 10
>    sudo kill -2 $!
> done

I guess the problem is because you are using apt-get, and is not
suitable for scripting.  use dpkg instead. that may solve your


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