Agreed. Bad hosting or dns can take away a lot of freedom. As stallman
says, the cloud is the next bastion that floss has to go after.
On Apr 1, 2012 7:10 PM, "Mahesh T. Pai" <> wrote:

> Angad Singh said on Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 12:58:05AM +0530,:
>  > Didn't know domain registrars fall under the subject matter of
>  > free/open source software.
> Just that people using F/OSS tend to share certain values in common.
> Freedom is not just use; and use is not just on the desktop / server.
> Refer to Karanbir's reply. If you are hinting that this thread deserves
> a "slightly-OT/commercial" tag; IMHO, no. I speak only for myself.
> --
> Mahesh T. Pai ||
> End Users are just friends who haven't submitted a patch yet.
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