On Monday 20 Aug 2012, Vikas Rawal wrote:
> > Covered are:
> > 
> > - Basic Xen setup
> > - Compiling and installing a custom kernel for the i915 GPU Hung
> > issue - Extracting a disk image from a VirtualBox VDI
> > - Creating and running a Xen DomU with the image
> Very well explained. Thanks.
> I was wondering if you would recommend a desktop user of VirtualBox
> to migrate to Xen instead? VirtualBox does take a lot of resources
> (in particular, RAM). Do you think Xen would be a better choice?

If you're happy with the way VirtualBox is managing your VM(s), why 
switch?  Xen isn't exactly the easiest of technologies to get right.  On 
the other hand, if you're willing to put in the effort, I believe Xen is 
worth it.

I haven't done any benchmarks, but subjectively speaking Xen seems much, 
much faster than VirtualBox.  Much cleaner too -- once the hypervisor 
starts, there're no user-level processes hanging around for 
vistualisation assistance.  Each machine is independent, stand-alone and 
can be individually managed.

I guess it finally boils down to whether you're a GUI or command-line 
fan.  I happen to be the latter, so the Xen paradigm suits me better.  
Performance-wise, both claim to give near-bare-metal performance.


-- Raj
Raj Mathur                          || r...@kandalaya.org   || GPG:
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It is the mind that moves           || http://schizoid.in   || D17F

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