On 8/20/2012 6:08 PM, Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) wrote:
I haven't done any benchmarks, but subjectively speaking Xen seems much,
much faster than VirtualBox.  Much cleaner too -- once the hypervisor
starts, there're no user-level processes hanging around for
vistualisation assistance.  Each machine is independent, stand-alone and
can be individually managed.

AFAIK, VirtualBox still doesn't support full paravirtualization, so you'd be running hardware virtualization and a stock kernel in a VirtualBox guest. This is likely to be a pretty big performance hit. If using linux guests on a linux host, Xen+pvops (or kvm) is a much better choice if you care about performance.

(That is, unless I'm wrong and vbox supports pvops guests now)

I use virtualbox on my desktop since it's easier to clone/snapshot/rollback VMs, but on servers Xen makes a lot more sense. I haven't played with live VM migration or stuff like that yet, but Xen is likely to be better at that too.


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