> Raj was a founder member of the Indian Linux Users Group and a very active
> member of the Free and Open Source community. Well respected and extremely
> knowledgable, he was often sought after for advice which he readily
> dispersed.

One small example of his generosity is the formation [1] of JMILUG [2]
in the year 2005.
It was his [2] encouragement, and the support of ILUGD that made it possible.

Raju Mathur [2], you will be rememberd!

> Rest in peace, Raj "Oldmonk" Mathur.
> --

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.
( To Allah we belong and truly to Him we shall return )
[Surah al-Baqarah, 2: 155-156]

Saleem Ansari

[1] http://tuxdna.in/files/jmilug/documents/kishore-bhargava.jpg
[2] http://jmilug.org/
[3] http://tuxdna.in/files/jmilug/documents/raju-mathur.jpg

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