If you want total control, like installing any environment
(python/ruby/php), access through SSH, etc, shared hosting is out of
options. For VPS/owned-instance, you can try:
1. Slicehost
2. Rackspace
3. Amazon EC2
4. Hetzner

All of these let you choose different instance types (RAM/CPU type based),
and will provide you web interface to install any popular Linux distro. You
will be given access to SSH, and then its all yours to do whatever you want
to. So, basically it will be whole virtual remote machine with Linux.

I am using some instance from all these providers. In my opinion, Rackspace
is cheapest for a low profile instance. I am getting billed $14/mo for
small instance which has 512MB RAM. If you need better machine, high RAM in
comparatively low price, try to buy some reused hardware at Hetzner..
Amazon EC2 stands at same level as Rackspace, but it has better addons,
like S3/EBS/DNS etc.

Amazon EC2 has free plans for starters. If you want a free instance for a
year, register on Amazon EC2, and select the tiny instance (perhaps with
600-700 MB RAM) and you will get linux with sufficient RAM to run your

My experience with other VPS and Shared hosting been rough.

- Ravi Kumar

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Vipul Agarwal <vi...@nuttygeeks.com>wrote:

> Hi Mridul, if you're open to hosting providers outside India, you may like
> to checkout Hetzner. Their VPS service is quite good and affordable.
> http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produktmatrix_vserver/vserver-produktmatrix
> They even provide free monitoring tools.
> -Vipul
> On Dec 29, 2012 4:55 PM, "Mridul Kapoor" <mridulkap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I plan to put up a website for a blog and some of my projects. I have
> > projects in python, ruby, php. So I would want a web host which provides
> me
> > these, along with a capability to manage via ssh -- install stuff etc.
> >
> > Could anyone recommend me a  good and cost-effective hosting provider ? I
> > see hostgator has India operations. Any recommendations/reviews ?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Mridul
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