
For India based VPS I would recommend - pretty good
pricing and solid technical support. They have servers at Netmagic Mumbai.
Hostgator India is good as well but not sure how's company's support after
it got acquired sometimes back.

If you are not looking for low latency/ India specific servers, then I
would suggest following:

   1. Contabo - (best deal in terms of price
   but not 24x7 support)

   2. Linode - - highly reliable but slightly on
   higher end along with Hostgator US (Servers in Softlayer datacenter)

   3. Amazon EC2 instance in Singapore or US or even Europe might be
   another option but I just find more talk about "cloud" then of real value.
   Unless you have some really specific requirements, it won't make sense to
   go for a very low server for $25 or so a month with low resources. Also,
   bandwidth stays slightly expensive on Amazon. Around 12 cents per GB, so we
   are looking at around 6Rs/GB, so 600Rs for 100GB/out transfer. So just be
   aware that if you have high out bandwidth, it will put a significant cost
   on monthly bill.

   4. You can also look at Tata IaaS with India + Singapore datacenter but
   I found support to be of way too low quality. Less on support on high on
   sales -

So you can decide based on all these factors. I personally ran my servers
with Softlayer, in-house datacenter with my previous employer and private
colo's in US reliably in past. For cheap VPS part Europe always worked well
with super cheap bandwidth along with better pricing in general. If
bandwidth is not concern then only Indian servers will make sense (along
with fact that if you love low latency and expecting more visitors from
India). Keep in mind that performance will be awful for US/Europe users on
Indian servers (200-300ms latency).

Also, I do back a lot on Amazon S3 (and Glacier) to dump daily backup of
all data. It costs super low and thus if you don't have mission critical
application & can accept slight downtime then go for one which is cheap &
have simple bash scripts doing backup, encryption & push dumps to Amazon S3
(and eventually to Glacier). So that can be a good and powerful enough
setup for less mission-critical server.

I hope this will help!

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Mridul Kapoor <>wrote:

> Oops.. Some problem with my reply. Somehow it didn't go in its full form.
> Anyways - -
> Thanks a lot Ravi and Vipul. Considering your suggestions, I guess I choose
> between Hetzner and Ec2. I could go with amazon ec2, considering the free
> starter service
> Thanks a lot once again!
> - Mridul
> Sent from a phone, please excuse the brevity
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