Ok, I ran the tests (with wireless, and the new larger memory which is
great incidentally).  The speedtest result:

21520 kbps download
2717 kbps upload

The traceroute function is pretty cool.  Here is the output:

traceroute to www.netflix.com (, 15 hops max, 40 byte
 1 (  1.241 ms  2.208 ms  0.732 ms
 2 (  7.471 ms  9.395 ms  8.138 ms
 3  ip72-219-223-161.dc.dc.cox.net (  7.713 ms  7.817
ms  7.894 ms
 4  mrfddsrj02-ge110.rd.dc.cox.net (  8.070 ms  7.969 ms
8.290 ms
 5  mrfddsrj01-so010.rd.dc.cox.net (  9.519 ms  8.228 ms
7.933 ms
 6  ae-3-89.edge1.Washington4.Level3.net (  9.086 ms
ae-4-99.edge1.Washington4.Level3.net (  9.856 ms
ae-2-79.edge1.Washington4.Level3.net (  9.127 ms
 7  qwest-level3-xe.washington4.Level3.net (  9.666 ms
10.413 ms qwest-level3-xe.washington4.Level3.net (  9.472
 8  * * *
 9  svc-cntr-02.inet.qwest.net (  80.541 ms  81.650 ms
81.545 ms
10 (  82.288 ms  81.489 ms  82.343 ms
11 (  81.721 ms  83.237 ms  82.925 ms
12  * * *
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *

Any insights from this?

On Jan 6, 10:44 pm, Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 10:17 AM -0800 1/6/2009, rs_poetic wrote:
> >I did most of the maintenance steps suggested by Dan: no noticeable
> >change in video streaming ability.
> >I hooked the computer up to the cable router by direct wire.  Puzzling
> >result: although general loading of internet pages was faster, video
> >streaming itself didn't improve much.
> That mostly eliminates your computer and LAN (wired and wireless) as the 
> cause.
> >That experiment showed that the wireless net contributes slows
> >download from internet to some degree.  Unfortunately, I don't know
> >what to do about that.  I need to be wireless, and the iMac is Core
> >Duo with 802.11 g.  Isn't that a fixed limitation on the wireless net
> >speeds?
> Wi-fi is slow, period.  We "jokingly" refer to it as a one-wall
> technology.  Most 11g connections run at around half the spec's rated
> speed - maybe 20 to 30 Mbps.  Degrade that further given room
> interference etc... As long as it is faster than the connection to
> your ISP, the poor speed shouldn't be too noticeable.
> >So, it appears the best avenue is to investigate the cable company's
> >"premium" upgrade package....
> It is more likely that the path between you and Netflix is has a
> problem, or your ISP (cable company) isn't providing you with the
> service quality for which you're already paying.  So before you
> upgrade... Let's dig a bit farther.  So far you know your car,
> garage, and driveway are ok.  Now let's check down the street for
> obstructions...
> First, run a speed test.  Go to <http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest>.
> Select the server nearest to you, and run the test.  Tell me the
> upload and download speeds it reports.
> Next, launch Terminal.app (it lives in /Applications/Utilities).
> This is a direct command line interface to the Unix underbelly of
> your Mac.  Everything in it is plain text, so you can freely copy and
> paste stuff.
> Copy this command and paste it into Terminal, exactly as-is (it is
> case sensative):
> traceroute -m 15www.netflix.com
> Let it run.  The last lines may take a while, but it will stop after
> the 15th.  It will produce some output that looks a bit like this:
> traceroute towww.netflix.com(, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
>   1  actiontec-mi424wr (  2.432 ms  0.962 ms  0.560 ms
>   2  l100.vfttp-01.cmdnnj.verizon-gni.net (  4.437 ms
> 3.878 ms  4.079 ms
>   3  p2-1.lcr-01.cmdnnj.verizon-gni.net (  5.712 ms
> 5.136 ms  3.902 ms
>   4  p9-0-0.lcr-02.cmdnnj.verizon-gni.net (  8.336 ms
> 6.296 ms  14.519 ms
> ...and so on.  Copy the whole results from Terminal and paste it into
> your reply here.
> Each line is a "hop" along the path to Netflix.  Each time given is
> the round trip time, in milliseconds, it takes for a PING packet to
> go from your Mac, to that router, and back to your Mac.  By comparing
> the times, we can tell if the path between you and Netflix is ok.
> >Incidentally, I ordered more memory, just in case it helps; an
> >additional 1G is merely $25!
> More memory is fine, but definitely not the issue here.
> - Dan.
> --
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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