On Sep 6, 12:20 pm, Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At 9:12 PM -0400 9/5/2009, William Spencer wrote:
> >IMac Core Duo 2.4 ghz/1 g RAM/Snow Leopard
> >IMac Core Duo 1.83 ghz/1 g RAM/Tiger
> >I am hoping there's a way to get the newer machine (see details
> >below) when it fires up Mail to do so using the mailboxes on the
> >older machine. (This is because I generally use the older machine
> >but occasionally it's not available to me.) It looks as though the
> >Synchronize feature only works 1) if you have a .Mac account, which
> >I don't, or 2) only if your mail server uses the IMAP protocols,
> >which mine doesn't...they use POP. Is there some other technique I
> >can use to achieve this? Mail on the older machine is version 2.1.3,
> >and I don't know the version on the newer machine since I just
> >installed Snow Leopard last night. As always, my thanks in advance!
> If you want to stick with POP3...
> On your main machine, set Mail to leave messages on the POP3 server
> for about 30 days.
> On the other machine, set Mail to leave messages on the POP3 server forever.
> So... On the other machine, it will happily grab messages it hasnt
> seen before.  On the main machine it will do the same, plus delete
> old stuff.
> Of course, this won't sync your outgoing messages....  but it does ok.
> Another soln, that my housemate uses... Only do mail from the web
> interface on your other machine.  That way nothing is ever lost or
> deleted.
> - Dan.
> --

Well, I have no agenda regarding POP3 one way or the other, and no
choice that I know of unless I switch email providers. And the
outgoing messages would be a very nice thing to have...but I have this
notion that there's a way to get Mail to load everything from a remote
machine, something about telling it to go to the library of the other
machine rather than using the local library. Oh well, this is not a
big deal, just a convenience I was hoping to have. I'll just set them
up as you suggest. Thanks! Bill
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