On Jun 24, 2010, at 5:23 PM, Andrew Main wrote:

> I'm working on a 600MHz iMac G3 whose CD-RW drive has a hard time
> intaking and ejecting discs; it ejects the disc partway, then strains
> for a while as if the 5V (?) it's getting from the computer just isn't
> enough to push it all the way out, then pulls it in and mounts it
> again. Does anyone know, is there anything can be done about this?
> Lubrication? Or suggestion where I can get a good replacement cheap?

This is a common iMac G3 slot-loading optical drive problem. The cause is 
"stuff" (lint, dust, cooking grease, tobacco smoke, etc.) embedded or coated on 
the rubber drive rollers that grip a disk to inject/eject it. Occasionally, the 
"rubber band" drive belt used in some designs also gets coated. The result is a 
gradual loss of gripping power. Eventually, the disk won't come out at all.

The fix is to remove the drive, take off the top and clean the rollers and, if 
equipped, the drive belt. Blow out any dust, etc., lightly brush the laser lens 
with a soft brush with fine bristles, then reassemble. I've successfully used 
isopropyl alcohol and Goof-Off. I use Goof-Off when the rollers have hardened a 
bit because it softens the rubber. There also are commercial products that are 
used to rejuvenate drive rollers in printers, which get coated with fine paper 
particles and fail to grip the paper, or get hardened from age.

Good luck!

-- Jim Scott

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