At 10:06 AM -0700 8/7/2010, Aidan Prendergast wrote:
Yes it was Carbon Copy Cleaner. I think I will need a checklist to do both steps...a little over my head...

Please remember to bottom post and trim. Adding top posted material to already bottom-posted replies makes for a convoluted mess.

On Sat, 8/7/10, Dan <> wrote:
[1 GHz iMac G4, OS X 10.4.11]
Hitachi X250 USB drive, partitioned it into 2 partitions
Gave each a name and then started to clone my main hard drive to one. Several minutes later the I-mac ejected the drives and does not recognize the USB drive anymore.

Check [CarbonCopyCloner] log for errors.  Also check the system.log

Launch /Applications/Utilities/
Tell it to show the log list (View/Show Log List).
Click the arrow to open /Library/Logs/
Select CCC.log

That is CarbonCopyCloner's log. Therein it should have some errors that indicate what happened. Copy the log and paste it into your reply here (it shouldn't be too long).

system.log is done the same way, sortof - if the information is in the recent log, then the alias at the top of the list will work. If it's been a few days, the system maintenance scripts have rolled over the log, so you'll have to open /var/logs/ and scroll down until you see the list of system.log files. ...But for now just send us the info in CCC.log. That's might be enough. is a *read-only* browser for the system logs. Peruse all you want; you can do no damage there. The views are all "live". That means, for example, if you set it to view your current system.log, then go do something that causes messages / errors to be thrown, you'll seem them show up immediately in Console's window.

 > Reboot, launch and set it to view the
 system.log.  Then plug in the external drive, and
 > observe what messages are thrown into Console's window.

Per above info. Start with a clean reboot with the external drive NOT connected. Launch Console. Select that system.log. Then plug in the external and watch what shows up.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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