On Oct 7, 4:01 pm, Jonathan <jonathan.newcas...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if there was a way of improving the quality of dvd
> playback on my 27" imac (long shot,I know)
> Sitting at the desk, the size of the screen doth result in a rather
> pixelated experience.
> I am using iDVD.

In a word, no.

The resolution of the DVD format is about 1/6 that of your iMac's
screen. You cannot blow up an image that much without losing
sharpness; the information needed simply isn't stored in the file.

The best compromise is to play your material back at 200% of actual
size. (This will leave big black bars on all four sides.)

You CAN use high-definition in iMovie or Final Cut (if your source
material is HD), but you lose the HD when you export to conventional
DVD movie format.

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