Perhaps what he meant to say is that the computer would keep the
settings he applied, which included the matching desktop. In that, he
would be right, however confusing and misleading that might sound.

I have heard weirder things said by well-meaning, computer-ignorant
people. Conversely, a friend of mine berated (violently) the Apple
salesperson who sold her a brand new machine because "it did not come
with all the OS updates, so I had to install them myself..."



On Oct 13, 9:38 am, Bob Archambault <> wrote:
> Hello All...First time poster here...
> The other day, I picked up an old iMac G3 266 "Grape". The seller of
> the machine showed me that it worked on premises, and particularly
> noted how the color of the desktop (Mac OS 9.2.2) matched the case
> color. He then proceeded to tell me that OS 9, upon installation,
> "reads the codes" of the computer (from ROM, I presume) and
> automatically sets the desktop to the matching color.
> Can anyone actually confirm this to be true? Or was this guy just
> BSing me?
> Thanks...
> Bob Archambault

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