On Dec 22, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Dan wrote:

> At 8:37 AM -0700 12/22/2011, Bruce Johnson wrote:
>> [after taking a snapshot] I use the annotation tools in Preview (which are 
>> 10.6+ only, I think, sadly) or Graphic Converter to do the annotations on 
>> the png. I do this all the time for support reasons because a picture is 
>> worth endless text and less open to interpretation.
> yea.  Pictures work great.   "Make that dialog look like this!"
> Didn't the old Mac OS have a help thingy that would open preferences and 
> such, then interactively draw a circle around the item it wanted you to check?

yes it did, this was part of the help system that was really cool.

I remembered the MacFUSE filesystem for screenshots, it's called GrabFS:


Get in the downloads section.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

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