I have used Linux distros on PPC macs before and it's been successful. The only gap I ever noticed was shockwave/flash. I don't think it's even a possibility in those OSs.

I know many people dislike flash, and think "Oh I hate flash and I don't need it" but you might be surprised what you miss when it's not even an option.

Just make sure what Linux flavor will install on your processor. I'm sure you can google it without too much overhead.


PS - I just did some quick research and it looks like Flash support is still sketchy but there are at least some options, from stackexchange: "On PowerPC there's no official support for Flash your only alternative is a free plugin "gnash <http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/gnash>"
|sudo apt-get install gnash browser-plugin-gnash| "

Mark My Word <mailto:markrob...@gmail.com>
April 9, 2015 at 10:00 AM
Hi Josh, it had not occured to me to try a Linux distro. I have done this with old PC boxes to get some further use. So Linux will install onto the Mac hardware architecture... interesting. Thanks.
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Josh Juran <mailto:jju...@gmail.com>
April 8, 2015 at 5:32 PM

The last version of OS X that will run on that machine is 10.5. If she goes this route, she'll face the risks of running an old, unsupported OS that isn't getting security updates (and the same may apply to the browser as well). Also, whatever RAM and CPU that machine has is not enough for browsing today's Web sites.

Consider installing a Linux distribution -- at least then you'll have up-to-date software.


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