Bill Janssen wrote:
> As we've noted, this discussion has gone on before.  I seem to be
> delivering quite a bit of functionality on the Tiger system Python
> 2.3.5, without issues.  Lots of people are.

yes, they are, and also with fink, and MacPython, and macports, etc, 
etc, etc.

There are just way too many versions of python to support on way too 
many versions of OS-X.

> Sure it is.  Just two packages, one for Intel, and one for PPC, and a
> preinstall script that selects the right one.

who's writing that pre-install script? I've NEVER seen one. Ever. Then 
what happens if someone wants to use py2app, and deliver an app to 
someone on a different architecture. Sure, you can say: "that's not 
supported", but if a package like PIL is going to distributing binaries, 
they should be as widely usable as possible, and I'm betting that 
Fredrik doesn't want to post 6 versions of PIL 1.6. for OS-X

These are all the reasons I advocate MacPython2.5 -- it works on every 
OS-X from 10.3.* to 10.5, PPC and Intel, and you can build 
re-distributable apps with it.

Anyway, it turns out that you can't build a single binary for 
MacPython2.5 and Apple's 2.5 -- darn. So I think we're left with two. 
Over on the pythonmac list Ronald suggested that we really should have 
build scripts posted for building packages like this, so that others can 
easily repeat the process.

Bill, you posted a nice one here. I'll see if I can alter it to build 
Universal, and then we'll have a good start.

Fredrik, for now, you may as well post the binary here:

Which is for MacPython 2.5 (compatible with the 2.5 you binary you get 

I'll see what I can to get get Bill's script working, and then maybe 
someone can build one for Apple's python -- I can't, as I don't have 
OS-X 10.5


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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