Am 31.08.2011, 16:21 Uhr, schrieb Ingo Randolf <>:

Hi all.
I have a list with float-values describing an image like this:
[R, G, B, A, R, G, B, A, R, G, B, A, R, G, B, A, R, G, B, A, ... etc.]
the RGBA-values are from 0. - 1.
is there a clever way to make a PIL-Image out of something like this?
i played around with putdata... and came along with this, very, very slow solution:
px = list-of-rgba-values-as-floats
img = the-image
#make int-tuples
newdata = [(int(px[(x*4)]*255), int(px[(x*4)+1]*255), int(px[(x*4)+2]*255), int(px[(x*4)+3]*255)) for x in range( img.size[0] * img.size[1] )]
well i never saw a result, because it took too long for my short patience...

You can turn that list into a list of tuples for each pixel like this

new_array = []
for idx in range(0, len(l), 4)

You can probably wrap this in some functional programming so that you are not using memory for transitional data structures.

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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