Hi There..

I just setup an IMAIl server for the NT Engineering Association of Silicon Valley ( 
www.ntea.net ) and I am having trouble
getting the imailsrv2.pl script for perl working correctly 
http://www.ntea.net/mailing-lists.html.  I installed active perl
in the D:\perl and Imail in the D:\imail as well as created a CGI directory in 
d:\wwwroot but for some reason it does not
register the persons email address on my NTEA announce list or NTEA discussion list.

Can anyone out there lend a hand who has setup this script from the Imail utility page?



Jose Medeiros
NTEA Webmaster

" The reasonable man adapts himself to world, the unreasonable
  man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself, therefore all
  progress depends on the unreasonable man."
 ...George Bernard Shaw

Please visit http://www.ipswitch.com/support/mailing-lists.html 
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