A prime example of why this is not a logical approach. Not only are they
flooding Lycos they are flooding every router between them and their target,
along with everyone on their backbone, the same way Lycos was going to do to

wrong. It doesn't take very much to shut down an HTTP service (example: look how easy it is to shutdown IMail with unknown recpients without showing any excessive router traffic). The capacities of the routers and bandwidth local to the web server very probably way exceed the DDoSsing HTTP traffic.

We all need to put on our thinking caps and find another solution that is
not harmful to the Internet in general,

Too late, the Black Hats already consume 80% of SMTP traffic with spam, many TB/day. The Black Hats are beyond the reach of the law, are even unfindable, and can crack and DDoS at will, eg, the Lycos site.

like forcing the ISP companies that host spammers out off the web.

won't happen. comcast/level3/rogers/adelpia/att/rr/wanadoo/t-online/telus/etc networks are spewing 100's of millions of spams every day and nobody is talking about forcing those operators to close, or even do ANYTHING about the problem. ASTA is moribund.

DDoSsing spamvertised websites is cheap and fast, and REDUCES the attractiveness of spam.


_____________________________________________________________________ http://IMGate.MEIway.com : free anti-spam gateway, runs on 1000's of sites

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