On Sat, 29 Oct 2005, Richard Bonomo wrote:
Question: do pop2 and pop3 both have to be started, or is one
or the other optional to have POP working?

For most sites, only ipop3d is needed since POP2 clients are an endangered species (albeit not utterly extinct).

OK, but the service labels used in hosts.allow would be (if
any) things like imap, pop, etc., not xinetd and launchd, no?

I would imagine so. You would need to read the man page for whatever it is that does hosts.allow processing. I'm don't know what does hosts.allow processing on Mac OS X, if anything does.

I can't vouch for any third-party distributions. Have you tried obtaining
the software directly from the UW FTP server on:
and then building using the command:
        make oxp
Actually, I thought that it was the very same thing.

As I said, I can't vouch for any third-party distributions. When in doubt, get the official version.

I find that imap refuses to accept my login, and pop3 does
not appear to be doing anything.  Do both of these rely on

Yes, they both use PAM, so you'll have to set up something in /etc/pam.d. I just copied /etc/pam.d/ftpd to /etc/pam.d/imap and /etc/pam.d/pop (note that the file name is "pop", not "pop3").

Also, by default, the servers do not permit password authentication unless either SSL or TLS encryption is in effect; this follows the requirements of RFC 3501. So you probably need to set up SSL server certificates. Read the document in the BUILD and SSLBUILD files for more information.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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