In regard to: Re: [Imap-uw] unable to compile imap-2006a on solaris 10,...:

Your situation is a different issue.  The lrh build forces building with
IPv6, as that is wired in to ldb (Debian), lfd (Fedora), lmd (Mandrake),
lrh/lsu (RedHat/SuSE), and oxp/osx (Mac OS X) builds.

Actually, the ldb, lfd, lmd, lrh, and lsu builds are all jackets into the lnp (Linux with PAM) build. The only thing they do is to change several configuration settings, including forcing the setting for IPv6. These
changes aren't defaults; they're overrides to defaults and thus
themselves can't be overridden.

That was my suspicion -- thanks for confirming.

As you discovered, answering "n" to the "Do you want to build with IPv6 anyway?" cancels the build and does a clean.

That was what was confusing me.  I guess I expected that when I answered
"n", the build would proceed.  Even having it issue some additional
text similar to "Cannot proceed with this target without IPv6" might

Unless your copy of RedHat has the glibc bug that the error message warns about, there is no reason not to build with IPv6 support. It'll work
just fine in an IPv4 environment.  The glibc bug was fixed some time
ago, so unless your Redhat system is old you should have the fixed

It's recent, so I'm comfortable that the problem is not present.

Fortunately, there is a way to force IPv4 building, even on a build which is forced to IPv6. That's done by setting IP6=4, that is:
        make lrh IP6=4

Thanks for the tip.

Tim Mooney                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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