If I convert a mailbox with mailutil, the "old" flags get unset, causing all the messages to appear as "recent".

$ mailutil check mail/testf1.mbx
1 new message(s) (8 unseen), 20 total in mail/testf1.mbx

$ mailutil copy mail/testf1.mbx '#driver.mix'/mail/testf1.mix
$ mailutil check mail/testf1.mix
20 new message(s) (8 unseen), 20 total in mail/testf1.mix

I tried also mbx -> mbx with similar results

A unix mailbox always shows no recent messages with mailutil,
even if a new message was just delivered with dmail.

Hmm, looks like all the user flags are also not being copied into MBX, i.e. Junk, NonJunk, $Label1 etc. (used by Thunderbird for
Important, Later etc.)
Mailutil says:
warning: Unknown flag: $Label1
warning: Unknown flag: NonJunk
warning: Unknown flag: Junk

even though these labels are in the MBX file prefix and known to both
Mix and MBX.

mbx to mbx - says "Unknown flag", loses "old", "Junk", "$Labeln"
mbx to mix - loses "old"
mix to mix - loses "old"
mix to mbx - says "Unknown flag", loses "old", "Junk", "$Labeln"

I have not yet converted many users to mix format, but I have had
some complaints from MBX users that "old mail is being downloaded" and
"deleted mail has reappeared". So far I have:
- upgraded from imap2004 (2?) to 2006a
- added the UID patch
- transferred accounts to new hardware with more recent OS version
  with rsync
- upgraded from 2006a to 2006b

One complaint was from just before the 2006b upgrade, but
I believe several days after the patch was applied. I presume these
are POP users (sometimes I hear from non-technical people in a roundabout way days later).

I think there is an 'old' flag in NBX that gets set on non-recent messages. What happens to this flag when UIDs are rebuilt ?

Hmm; looking on the wire with Thunderbird using POP3, I see it's using
LIST, UIDL and RETR, and there's no reference to recent. So I guess the
client has a map of what message IDs it downloaded already, and if the
message UIDs are rebuilt it will see old messages as new. This seems
an odd way of doing things - the client remembers every single message ID it's ever seen, even deleted messages ??

I was trying to make sure that if I switch everyone to mix, that all the POP users won't see all their old messages as new. It looks from the above that it should be OK; that the "damage" has already been done by rebuilding illegal UIDs, if any. But I wanted to check. And I'm not sure how many users are using the new(?) user labels; certainly some are using Junk flags.

re. splitting mix boxes (so as to get benefits of smaller file size right after conversion, rather than waiting for new mail to arrive and users to purge old mail (ha!), I wrote something to split MBX boxes. Ugly, but may
work for one-time mass conversion:

- split user.mbx into user.mbx.1, user.mbx.2, user.mbx.3 etc.
- mailutil copy user.mbx.1 #driver.mix/user.mix
- mailutil append user.mbx.2 user.mix
- mailutil append user.mbx.3 user.mix

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada
Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376  (Pacific Time)
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