On Fri, 1 Dec 2006, John Kelly wrote:
I get messages like these:
    Invalid UID 000005cf in message 767, rebuilding UIDs

This problem is generally caused by running a mixture of software that uses the c-client library, some built with imap-2006 and some built with older versions. I suspect that if you rebuilt everything to use the imap-2006d version of c-client that these problems will presently go away.

Hunting down what is built with the old c-client may be tricky, and may require some talk with the users if you have shell access.

Some comments on your purge program:

       if (!(ms = mail_open (NULL, argv[1], OP_SHORTCACHE)))
               return (1);

Do not use shortcaching. Shortcaching was a 16-bit DOS facility that was abandoned 10 years ago. I can't promise how c-client will behave with OP_SHORTCACHE set. It's even possible that this could be causing your invalid UID messages.

I intend to remove shortcaching in a future version that removes DOS and the other dinosaur ports.

>        sp = mail_newsearchpgm ();
>        if (sp == NULL) {
>                printf ("Not enough memory for search program\n");
>                mail_close (ms);
>                return (1);
>        }

This test is unnecessary. mail_newsearchpgm() never returns null; the application will crash if the malloc() fails.

Also, there is no reason why you can't just have an automatic structure, e.g.,
        SEARCHPGM sp;
        memset (&sp,0,sizeof SEARCHPGM);
and then you don't need the mail_free_searchpgm() call. Of course, all references to sp->foobar need to be sp.foobar, and sp changed to &sp in the mail_search_full() call.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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