On Sun, 3 Dec 2006, Michael Cashwell wrote:
> I have a two-line program which will crash any Mac OS X system.
Assuming that's userland code please report it at <http:// www.apple.com/macosx/feedback/>.

It's not only been reported to Apple, it's been slashdotted! ;-)

But in all fairness, these things happen. Every kernel every written has had a similar embarassment with some obscure system call. Apple will fix it sooner or later.

I've found some real doozies in the past 36 or years. What's amazing is not the discovery, but rather than in so many cases the good guys find the problem first.

Every Apple engineer I know consistently says that NOTHING in userland should be able to take down the kernel and this whole machine. The system should limit userland misdeeds to that process.

That is the goal state for every kernel developer. It is not at all unique to Mac OS X. [We're talking kernels, not glorified program loaders such as OS/360, OS/8, CP/M, Apple DOS, MS-DOS, pre-OSX Mac OS, etc.]

What's more, the principle of limiting userland misdeeds to the process doing the misdeed was very much the mindset of the developers of the old MULTICS, TENEX, TOPS-20, etc. mainframe systems prior to the personal computer revolution.

I'd prefer an app that aborts to one that forges forth and corrupts my data files.

My feelings exactly!

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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