We wrote a perl script which notifies users nightly when they're over their soft quota. This helps the users who did not go over a huge amount and can be notified. And because the grace period is 7 days, they get 5-6 messages before account is blocked. Of course it doesn't help the people who suddenly get a huge attachment and go over their hard quota.

I would love to hear from anyone who was able to tweak procmail or dmail to give a nice message when the message being delivered will put the person over soft quota.


Nancy Lin                        DECF
1109A Etcheverry Hall    510-642-7291
Office Hours:         2PM-4PM Mon-Thu

Per Foreby wrote:
I'm thinking about enabling disk quota on our student mail server. I have done some reading about the support in uw, and I would be happy using unix quotas. However, before i reinvent the wheel, I wonder if someone has a working setup to share?

The server is running in blackbox mode, using sendmail and tmail.

The ideal solution would be to give both smtp and imap users a clear error message, stating that the user is over quota. Is this possible, and if not, how close can I get? Some generic error message?

Does a switch to procmail+dmail give me better support for quotas at the MTA/MDA end?

Would this kind of setup have any support for the soft quota limit?

Finally, to prevent a "religious" discussion: I know that mail quotas are a pain, that disk is cheap, and that our ongoing migration to mix will solve the backup problem. But when we see emails in the hundreds of megs (data samples, high resolution images, ...), resulting in gigabyte mailboxes, we have to have some sort of control.

The other solution I'm considering is a watchdog, which would send some sort of nagging email to students with too large mailboxes. Maybe an email each day would teach them to put the files in their public_html directory and email the url?

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