On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Mark Crispin wrote:

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Per Foreby wrote:
Looking at a number of ordinary users (students) they have between 25 and 40 messages per file, so maybe I incresed the size to much.

Commenting myself: I meant "to little" of course.

Hmm, that means that with 4MB the average message size is between 26K and and 42K. These must be messages with attachments. My personal long-term mailbox contains mostly messages with 4-digit sizes. I get messages with attachments all the time, but I rarely keep them for long.

Most of our students are in their early 20's or late teens. Habits change...

As I said early on in this thread, I believe that the right value is probably somewhere between 1MB and 10MB.

Backup performance (time/space) is easy to measure, and since old mix files often are untouched it should be enough to wait a few days or weeks after changing the size before the next benchmark. I will probably test this myself once all mailboxes are converted to mix. (Only converted the largest ones to 2/3 are still using mbx.)

But since mix already has lowered my backup time by about a magnitude, maybe the fine tuning should be about imap performance. We used mh for 15 years, so I know how having many small files can hurt performance.

Since mix is indexed, it can of course not be compared to mh, but at some point, i imagine that the mix filesize must have an impact on performance. Or is this only a matter of file system performance where an indexed file system would make this a non issue?


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