If you are not seeing any "imap service init" or "imap SSL service init" messages in your syslog, then the imapd binary is probably never getting started.

Review your xinetd configuration, and also your /etc/services. Make sure that is all set up correctly.

Note that you can not telnet to port 993 in any reasonable way, since that port is SSL encrypted. You can telnet to port 143, but logins will probably be disabled on a port 143 until after TLS encryption is negotiated. However, that will verify that imapd is starting.

On Fri, 12 Oct 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have built uw-imap on RedHat 5 Server and am *so close* to getting it working. I'm using the SSL 2006k version with all default settings. I am invoking it via xinetd and that appears to be working (I get start and exit messages in /var/log/message). I try to connect from either a Outlook 2003 client or just probing with telnet <host> 993. But when using the xinetd spawned demon it immediately shuts down with return code 1. So I shut down xinetd and tried starting imapd manually and probing but it doesn't seem to attach to the 993 socket and I receive a connection refused message (also tried 143, 220 and 585 ports).

I can compare results to a much earlier version of uw-imap I have on a RH7.3 system I am trying to replace (the RH7.3 system imap works flawlessly). Is the imapd not set up to be started manually as a demon listening to port 993? Is there a command line or compile time option to emit more debugging info? I don't know why the port is closing immediately and all I see in the syslog file is

Oct 12 09:41:28 ice9 xinetd[7609]: START: imaps pid=12768 from=
Oct 12 09:41:28 ice9 xinetd[7609]: EXIT: imaps status=1 pid=12768 

Any other suggestions or troubleshooting ideas?

Thanks in advance.

        Nic Lyons

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