Kaljio wrote:
-convert from unix mbox files /var/mail/$username to mbx format

Careful with the MTA and other Unix utilities that might expect
/var/mail/$username to be in unix format.  If any of those programs
tries to append a message to the mailbox you would end up with a mess.

-keep the files at /var/mail/$username _without_ an INBOX file in the
user's home directory where the mail would be moved to
from /var/mail/$username when the user invokes the uw-imap. ~/INBOX in
mbx format would not work because ~ is NFS mount. >95% of the users
currently have their mailboxes in /var/mail.

Modify the mbx driver source code (src/osdep/unix/mbx.c)
We changed it so that the MBX INBOX is in /var/spool/mbx/$username,
everything else stays in the user's home dir.

char *mbx_file (char *dst,char *name)
  char *s = mailboxfile (dst,name);
  if (s && !*s) {                  /* INBOX */
    char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
    sprintf (tmp,"%s%s","/var/spool/mbx/",myusername ());
    s = mailboxfile (dst,tmp);
  return s;

If /var/spool/mbx/$username exists and it is in mbx format, the mbx driver
would move any mail from the unix /var/mail/$username to
/var/spool/mbx/$username or you can configure your MTA to deliver
to the mbx spool using Marc's tmail or dmail programs.

You have to create the mbx file for every user that you're moving
to mbx format, everyone else would keep using unix format in /var/mail

We did something similar for MIX format, using /var/spool/mix/$username/

Of course, this is unsupported, we should not bother Marc if things break.

-let the users have their own-created mail folders in their ~, they can
stay in unix mbox format because they are only a relatively small part
of the whole traffic and wouldn't be a great performance benefit worth
the hassle of moving and converting them all.

The ~/Sent and ~/Trash folders can also be a big performance hit.

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