On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Shawn Walker wrote:
Sheesh, how slow is the link?
Not everybody has a fast link.

Yes, but there is slow and there is slow; just as there is fast and there is fast.

Algorithms which may be suitable for 300 bps are dreadful for 2G wireless (EDGE or 1x). Algorithms which may be suitable for 2G wireless are less good for 3G (UMTS or EV-DO).

I have found that people spend time worrying about bandwidth issues that are ultimately unimportant, and end up blundering into the hell of excessive RTTs.

When you talk about fetching 25 UIDs at a time, that is a clue to me that you are about to blunder into RTT hell. That's a suitable number for a bandwidth of 1200 bps. Now, you may be in a time machine that took you back 20 years; but otherwise you are almost certainly have much faster bandwidth.

RTTs are deadly. Just watch how long it takes Alpine to gobble a large attachment -- it's due to the RTTs introduced by breaking up a big download into smaller chunks to allow the user to stop the download. Mind you; the Alpine guys had a clue of what a good chunk size would be; yet if you have any kind of broadband it is almost always better to set "Prevent Partial Fetching".

I'm not sure why I didn't think of using message numbers instead of UIDs. Duh! I'll be using that.

A lot of people fail to understand the important properties of message sequence numbers, including those who advocate a "simplified" version of IMAP that abolishes sequence numbers (while meanwhile adding all sorts of new fluff...witness all the silly new IMAP extensions defined in recent RFCs).

It's the perception that to the end user that the product is downloading the messages instead of having the user think the application isn't doing anything for several minutes. I'll be playing around what the number would be for getting the uids in a batch.

You need to do SUBSTANTIAL testing. Almost certainly you will want your program to be adaptive rather than wiring in numbers that you picked out of a hat.

First, and foremost, keep firmly in mind that a single download is ALWAYS faster than multiple partial downloads. ALWAYS do the single download if there is any way you can get it past the user.

If the need is to make the user think that the application has not "frozen up", consider doing the download in background.

Now, given that we have some cases where you MUST break up the download, here's what you should do:

Start with defining the bandwidths that you can reasonably expect to encounter. For most purposes, something like 32 kbps is probably the worst case.

Also, you ought to put a high cost on RTTs; at least 1/4 second but I recommend closer to 1/2 second.

Oh yeah, also beware the occasional RTT From Hell when your TCP session goes into retransmission; this will really bite you in the ass in any kind of radio (Wi-Fi, mobile phone, etc.). We're talking 2-digit second delays here.

Suppose you have 1000 UIDs to fetch. On our 32 kbps link, that will take about 2 seconds as a single download. Now, if we do it 25 at a time, we now find ourselves undergoing a task that may take 42 seconds! Perhaps it is better to do 500 at a time.

Now consider the best case. We'll exclude wired broadband on the grounds that we assume that we will always do single download in that case.

Wi-Fi and mobile phones (especially 3G) are much faster than 32 kbps, yet they still occasionally get the RTT From Hell.

Your calculations become quite different now. There really is no single value or rule that works in both the dialup and the Wi-Fi/mobile phone cases. You have to have multiple tuning for both.

This isn't quite rocket science, but it's not seat-of-the-pants either. I have seen entirely too many clients killed by RTTs from badly chosen download strategies, only to hear the developer blame IMAP instead of his poor use of IMAP.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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