I wrote a private patch to provide my own (none interactive)
username/password method for the tool "mailutil" which is part of
imap-2007e and alpine-2.00.

During my tests I found, that the function mm_login in
imap-2007e/src/mailutil/mailutil.c:883 has a bug:

    void mm_login (NETMBX *mb,char *username,char *password,long trial)
      char *s,tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
      sprintf (s = tmp,"{%s/%s",mb->host,mb->service);
      if (*mb->user) sprintf (tmp+strlen (tmp),"/user=%s",
                              strcpy (username,mb->user));
      if (*mb->authuser) sprintf (tmp+strlen
      if (*mb->user) strcat (s = tmp,"} password:");
      else {
        printf ("%s} username: ",tmp);
        fgets (username,NETMAXUSER-1,stdin);
        username[NETMAXUSER-1] = '\0';
        if (s = strchr (username,'\n')) *s = '\0';
        s = "password: ";
      strcpy (password,getpass (s));

The password returned by getpass(s) could be longer than the buffer
password. Password has a fixed size buffer pwd[MAILTMPLEN]. MAILTMPLEN
is 1024 by default.

So it's easy to see the problem:

    $ imap-2007e/mailutil/mailutil check '{myimapserver}INBOX'
    {myimapserver} username: myusername
    password: (type in or copy a text line with > 1024 characters)
    Speicherzugriffsfehler (core dumped)

The easiest way to fix the problem is probably to use strncpy instead of

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