On Thu, 14 May 2009, Brian Hayden wrote:
Just to be explicit, the moral of the story is that using subscriptions is not a good idea because every client is stupid in their handling of subs, and worse, they're all stupid in slightly different ways.


The ONLY valid use for subscriptions is if a server exports netnews groups or similar functionality. This allows the user to keep a list of which newsgroups he is subscribed to. Now that netnews is effectively dead, the purpose and use of IMAP subscriptions should die with it.

Any client which do a LIST * and subscribe all the names returned is broken by design. This means you, Outlook and Thunderbird. That practice
is completely unnecessary, and is based upon false folklore.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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