Turn on debugging telemetry and you will see the IMAP protocol interactions via mm_dlog(). Is the data being truncated from the server? Note that mm_dlog() will not show the data in literals, but you will see the byte counts and that should indicate if you are getting truncated data.

If the data is truncated from the server, that's where you need to persue your further investigations. If it's coming from the server OK, then there is some problem in how you are calling c-client.

Are you aware that the buffer used by mail_fetchtext() is used by other functions? This means that you can only use the return data from a mail_fetch***() function until you call another mail_fetch****() function. A common mistake is to call mail_fetchheader() and then mail_fetchtext() and expect to use both pointers afterwards.

In any case, be sure to verify that the server isn't doing this, especially if it is not one of the standard good ones such as UW/Panda, Cyrus, or Dovecot.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
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