We have users whose folders are between 100 MB and 800 MB in size.
Most of those users are using Outlook but some are using Thunderbird.

Lately (and seemingly suddenly) the users are encountering trouble in that
they will move one or more items from the inbox to another folder and get
inconsistent results:

* sometimes the move is honored, with the item appearing in the target
and disappearing from the source folder.
* sometimes the move is partly honored in that the item appears in the
folder, but is NOT deleted from the source folder.
* and sometimes the move is not honored at all, despite the client email
thinking for a moment that it was (before seeing in moments after that
it wasn't.)

The server is FreeBSD 5.4 using imap2006e, I think. I'll upgrade to
whatever's current in the FreeBSD ports tree, to see if it helps.

(1) I insured that /var/mail and /usr/tmp were permission 1777 as
suggested, but
just now so I don't know if that will prove to help. Things used to work
just fine
without these changes; the only things that may have changed are (a) the
mail folders have gotten larger, (b) the versions of Outlook they are
using are new.
Thunderbird (the latest in general) also suffers the failed transfers,
though, and
only "suddenly" now for no apparent reason.

(2) I see no reference to debugging on the website. I thought I could
perhaps turn
on a flag for imap in inetd to be able to track requests to try to see
what the
server was being told to do, but I see no mention of any such facility
for either imap
or c-client.


How can I debug why moving items from one folder to another fails or is

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