> Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 19:17:19 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Mark Crispin <mrc...@panda.com>
> ...
> If your IMAP connection "stalls", there is no reason to believe that
> disconnecting, creating a new connection, and retrying the operation will
> in any way help the situation.
> ...

i was with you right up until that point. i regularly use other people's
access networks (hotel or airport wireless for example) and they regularly
flow-limit and rate-limit me. fairly often my only recourse, with ssh or
imap tcp sessions, is to abandon one without ceremony and start another.

in ssh i manage this by using the "screen" utility so that my shells and
editors stay running while i'm in between active connections. i've had
"screen" state last almost a year, several times. often only a system
upgrade/reboot will cost me my true "session state" for ssh.

if imap had something akin to "screen", i would be most pleased and i would
use it. since it doesn't and since i am not in control of the proxies and
NATs i traverse in my travels, i find imap's heavyweight statefulness to
be out of touch or perhaps even anachronistic.

not imap's fault, not uw-imapd's fault... but in this case the first mover
in "workarounds that hurt rule obeyers" was the invisible hand of the market.
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