At the time I was in a hurry to restore service.  I killed 20+ imapd
processes running as root, and that didn't help.  What did help was to
restart inetd, which had apparently stopped listening on port 995; port 995
no longer was visible in output from netstat -t -l -n.

Thanks for the pointers.  I'll have to look into those.

The other thing I have done since then is to add fail2ban filters (a similar
effect to iptables rate-limiting, I suppose) as described here:

fail2ban is a pretty flexible tool; I recommend it.  iptables rate-limiting
is probably more elegant and more efficient.

While inspecting logs prior to creating the fail2ban filter, I found
evidence of other scanning projects including and
Those appeared to be a single connection at a time, while
attempted >400 connections in a span of 10 seconds.  (this server typically
has 700 non-spam messages per day -- even assuming all arrive during working
hours, that's only about 90/hour, vs the 144000/hour rate of


-----Original Message-----
From: Imap-uw [] On Behalf
Of Mabry Tyson
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Imap-uw] Research project with DoS side-effects

The DoS from sslyze would have been thc-ssl-dos apparently.  But it seems
that is (simply?) a processor overload.  It sounds like imap-uw 
POP server continued to fail after the attack terminated.   This sounds 
like a bug in imap-uw, but I'm not sure what it is.   It would be good 
to get rid of that bug.   Did you chase this down further?

Blocking the testing site is proper for an operational solution, but you
(and we) are still vulnerable to such an attack from elsewhere.

Did you follow the documentation from sslyze to
and then to

Specifically, this discusses an iptables approach to rate limiting (after
blocking renegotiation) as a way to avoid such an attack. As discussed near
the end, the rate-limiting may be a problem if lots of users share the same
IP due to proxies, NAT, etc.  If you don't have lots of near-simultaneous
SSL connections from any particular IP, then this would be a more general
solution than blocking one particular IP address.

On 4/29/15 12:07 PM, Ken Johnson wrote:
> FYI:
> My server running imap-uw (Debian 7) has recently been hit twice (that 
> I know of, I will be scanning the logs for other events) by a research 
> project run by  Their scanning machine is 
> at  According to their Senior 
> Researcher Martin Mulazzani, they use the software "sslyze" to learn 
> about encryption usage at online mail servers.
> The first time my server was scanned it disrupted POP access from 
> legitimate users during and shortly after the scan.  I contacted 
> sba-research, and they committed to not scan my servers again.  The 
> second time they scanned my system manual intervention was required on 
> my part to restore service to legitimate POP users.
> ...
> Ken

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