On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Ashley Yakeley wrote:
> What is the best way for an IMAP client to detect recently arrived mail
> in a hierarchy of around a thousand mailbox folders? Should it do a
> SELECT on each one periodically? Or should it open up 1000 connections,
> SELECT a folder and do IDLE on each one?

The latter method is the least burdensome for long-term probing of a
thousand messages, since it operates on a principle of server "push"
rather than polling with a client "pull".  No properly-designed system
should have a problem with that many sessions.

However, there is a cost in authentication; and in some servers the cost
of authentication is greater than polling via STATUS.

The right solution is not to use IMAP for this at all, but rather a
facility that is specifically designed for "push" announcements of updates
to large numbers of mailboxes.  There is currently not a widely-available
facility which meets this criteria, but it's being worked on.

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