> At 13:41 31/05/2002 +0200, Andreas Aardal Hanssen wrote:
> >Say a mailbox has 1000 messages in it, and the highest UID is 1600. Which
> >is the correct response?
> >
> >1 UID FETCH 1601:* FLAGS
> >1 OK FETCH completed.
> >
> >or
> >
> >1 UID FETCH 1601:* FLAGS
> >* 1000 FETCH (UID 1600 FLAGS (\Seen))
> >1 OK FETCH completed.
> The first one.

However, the second response is correct but not minimal,
the client just has to ignore if the additonal information are not needed.

(sorry paul for the multiple messages)

DINH V. Hoa,
libEtPan! - a mail library - http://libetpan.sourceforge.net

"emacs, c'est génial" -- Arsunique

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