Mark Crispin wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Alexey Melnikov wrote:
> > >   [IMAP-DISC] Austein, R., "Synchronization Operations for Disconnected
> > >   IMAP4 Clients", Work in Progress.
> > I don't recognize this document. It either became an RFC or expired a long time
> > ago.
> Yes, it did expire a long time ago.  I am hoping that either Rob or
> someone else will resume work on it.
> If you are foolish^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hpublic-spirited enough to be willing to
> take it on, I can send you copies of both Rob's document and Bill Yeager's
> commentary on it.  :-)

I am willing to take this one.

Alexey Melnikov
R & D, ACI Worldwide/MessagingDirect
Richmond, Surrey, UK
Phone: +44 20 8332 4508
Home Page:

I speak for myself only, not for my employer.

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