Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
I do not believe that people should architect protocols or software
implementations to compensate for the limitations of firewalls and NATs.

Rather, it is up to the vendors of firewalls and NATs to build products that
can accomodate the protocols and software that the firewall/NAT will carry.

But this is how Cisco inflicted NAT on us ...  Why should we expect
them to FIX the problem that they have forced us live with?

-- lyndon (the grumpy I-hate-NAT-and-Cisco-as-a-result-of-it bastard)
eh eh eh, this reminds me something indeed with Cisco

Still, in this thread, I see that we are trying to treat the recurrent problem of how to push some information to the client especially for
- notification purposes of some event
- in a context where there are many clients
- and specific clients like billing, logging, and other logistics for 'legal' machineries.

Should we use IMAP to do that, should we use another model like a bus-like model to implement it, should we revisit the ACAP protocol and some of its commands like CONTEXTNOTIFY? Where are we on this side at IETF (it is a long time I didn't recollect on this one)?


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