I do not enjoy receiving scolding messages, particularly when the scolding
is about something that (1) I did not do and (2) is not under my control.
As I told you a few weeks earlier, when you accused me of bcc'ing the IMAP
list, that nothing of the sort happened.  I was rather surprised when you
then responded that I "obviously" didn't know how to use my mail program.

You have neglected to consider a third possibility: that some mechanism
unique to you or your site is removing the line in the cc that indicates
where the message was sent.

I reviewed the copy I received of the message that you referred to.  In my
copy, the following cc list appears:
        Cc: Harrie Hazewinkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
           IMAP Extensions WG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
           IMAP Discusson List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You can also review the IMAP mailing list archives on

The addresses "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" are
exactly equivalent.  The former is the historical address (thus likely to
be in address books); the latter is the modern address.

Please do not make accusations until you have thoroughly investigated your
local system to make sure that it isn't a problem at your end.

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Graham Freeman wrote:
> At least three times in the recent past I've received messages which had
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" somewhere in the To: or Cc: lines (plus an
> individual or two), but not any list that I'm actually subscribed to.
> Based on the headers of these messages, I think that one or both of the
> following are occurring:
> 1) "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" has the imap.*washington\.edu list subscribed to
> it.  If so, that's silly - please don't do that.
> OR
> 2) People are putting the imap.*washington\.edu list in the Bcc: field of
> their messages.  If so, please don't do that.  It does more harm than good.
> Instead, put any/all list recipients in the To: or Cc: field.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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