On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Tony Shadwick wrote:
> Uh, it's not Pine's problem.  It's IMAP's.  Users using Outlook Express,
> SquirrelMail, Entourage, KMail, all have the same problem.  When
> connecting to the server via IMAP the inbox shows up as empty, whereas if
> they read mail using pine, all the inbox messages appear just fine.

The IMAP mailing list is still not the correct mailing list for this
question; it is for discussions about the design and specification of the
IMAP protocol.  For software specific issues, you should find the mailing
list for the particular implementation, or use the comp.mail.imap

Admittedly, in the case of UW imapd the correct list is obscurely named:

Once again, please send details of the problem to the c-client (not imap!)
mailing list, including how you built the software and what modifications
you have made.  There is no reason why Pine should behave one way and
imapd behave another way.

> BTW, I'll look into the user-domain setting.  I've not been aware this
> could be fix at the user-level.  I have been looking for a system-wide fix
> with no success.

user-domain can also be set in the systemwide Pine configuration file.
Refer to the Pine technical notes for more details.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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