On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> Shared mailboxes are exactly where I was thinking this read-lockless
> store would work very well. You never have to wait for locks when
> you're reading the store, and more importantly you never have to wait
> for readers to finish before you get a write lock.

On a much simpler level, the locking strategy used by the mbx format in UW
imapd is this:

There is no read lock.  There is a shared access lock.  This lock is
acquired at open time, and thus is blocked only if the access lock is held

As a consequence, you never have to wait for locks when reading the store.

Writes to flags do not acquire any locks.  It is assumed that the write is
atomic.  No attempt is made to guard against a timing race between the
read of flags and the update of new flags, although a time is made to
minimize the vulnerable period.

Expunge requires exclusive acquisition of the access lock.  Should this
be achieved, opens are blocked until the expunge finishes.

Otherwise, the expunged messages are marked with an internal flag (not
visible to the client) that the message is to be expunged.  Such messages
become "ghost" messages, as described in RFC 2180 4.1.1 (which as far as I
am concerned is the only correct implementation).

Of course, any expunge under exclusive acquisition of the access lock also
purges the "ghosts".  If a checkpoint discovers that it can acquire
exclusive acquisition of the access lock, it will also do so and purge the
"ghosts" but not expunge deleted messages.

In summary, the only locking is to purge expunged messages; and the only
impact of the lock is on open.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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